terça-feira, fevereiro 07, 2006

love disgust

It had one day that the night made me to see that the love is hard, and I thought soon about you, and I learned that the love is our bigger lost secret in our heart, exactly knowing that you are not interested party, in this night I learned that I must fight for what I love and therefore for you I go to fight, exactly that you want or not, my heart. I go to follow it source of my life. It is that he knows what is right or wrong. What it has said me lately is for not giving up fighting for you and I go followed it because I am faithful to my heart. You never pod to say me to forget you or saying that you have fear to hurt me because thus still I Hurt more therefore wanted that you were direct for me. If you do not want me you do not want not necessary to explain nothing. The remaining portion does not interest nor the reasons nor nothing. Because already I lost you for love and I do not want you to lose as friend.


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João Diogo
Lisboa, São João da Talha, Portugal

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